Terms of use of the Proxy-City.com service

The following is prohibited when using our servers:

1. Violation of the laws of the country in which the server you are using is located.

2. Fraudulent actions on the Internet in any form.

3.Spam on various forums, blogs, websites, any activity that can lead to an IP being blacklisted (BlackList)

4. Mass emailing (spam) is prohibited from our servers.

5.Posting, distribution and viewing of child pornographic content.

6. Transfer of access to proxy servers to third parties without approval from the administration.

7. Distribution of any materials without the consent of the copyright holders (films, musical compositions, programs, etc.)

8. Distribution of malware (viruses, Trojans and anything that can affect the operation of software)

9.Creation and development of phishing sites using our services in any form.

10.Refunds are only possible if it is not possible to issue a replacement.

In order to test our service, select the minimum available package for the required location.

You have the right to request one free replacement for the entire term of your subscription.

11.If the rules of use are violated, the service reserves the right to unilaterally terminate customer service without the possibility of restoration and refund.

Our private proxies are suitable for:

SEO activities for parsing TL and others;

Promotion on social networks;

Gambling, betting and casinos;


Traffic arbitrage, CPA;

Placing advertisements on trading platforms such as Amazon, CraigsList, etc.;

Boting in MMORPG games;

Standard users who watch movies, use the Internet and try to bypass restrictions from Internet providers.

Our company provides you with the opportunity to buy personal proxies for any of your purposes.

Our personal proxy servers have no traffic restrictions and support channel speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s.

They have Socks5 \ HTTP(s) protocol connection, authentication by login and password or by binding to an IP address.